Monday, July 2, 2012

Cards for Marsha

A dear friend and talented instructor for Scrapp'n Savvy was in a severe accident Friday night going home from Scrapp'n Savvy. She was sitting at a light and was rear ended by a guy going extremely fast. She had to be cut out of the car. She is in ICU at Ben Taub right now. She broke 2 ribs, fractured a vertebra and has damage to her spleen and liver. She is responding well to the medications. Our biggest concern is the vertebra T7, because she has no feeling below the waist. This could be due to the swelling or it could be a spinal cord injury. We are asking all to include her in your prayers. We are also asking all to make a get well greeting so we can fill her room with warm good well wishes. Please bring them to Scrapp'n Savvy by Friday and we will get them to her.

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